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Summer Learning 2025 - Registration Dates

         March 6, 2025 - Elementary Skill Building

         March 7, 2025 - Middle/Secondary Skill Building

         May 6, 2025 - High School Credit 


 ***Demand for our Summer Learning classes is high! 
If you are not successful in getting into a summer learning course, please check back often as seats do open up as families change their plans.



Program  Program Details  Schedule Locations
Subject to change

 Skill Building


 Click here for   details:

 Elementary Skill

 Middle Skill   Building

 Secondary Skill

  Elementary (Gr. 1-5)
 Registration for Aspenwood, Bramblewood, Coquitlam River and Glen will resume at 6:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 6th.

 Registration for Kilmer, Miller Park, Porter Street and Smiling Creek will resume at  7:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 6th.

  Classes:  Tues. July 8 to Fri. July 25 
  Daily:  9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

  Middle (Gr. 6-8)
  Registration opens Fri. March 7th at 6:00 a.m.
  Classes:  Tues. July 8 to Fri. July 25
8:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. 

  Secondary (Gr. 9-12)
  Registration opens Fri. March 7th at 6:00 a.m.
  Classes:  Tues. July 8 to Fri. July 25 
  Daily morning class:  
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.  
  Daily afternoon class:  12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Coquitlam River
Miller Park
Porter Street
Smiling Creek

  Eagle Mountain


 Secondary       Academic     Completion 


 Click here for   details


Academic Completion
 courses are for Grade  9 & 10 students wishing to earn a passing grade, having attempted the course during the school year. 
  • Math 9
  • Math 10 Foundations and Pre-Calculus 
  • Science 9
  • Science 10

 Registration for these courses is by referral from  the student's home school.

 Classes:  Tues. July 8 to Fri. July 25

 Daily morning class:  8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
 Daily afternoon class: 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 



 Advanced Credit
 (High School Credit)


 Click here for   details

 Registration opens Tuesday, May 6 at 6:00 a.m.

 Classes:  Wed. July 2 to Thurs. Aug. 7
  Two non-instructional days:
  •   Monday, July 28th 
  •   Monday, August 4th BC Day Holiday

  Morning classes:  8:00-11:30 a.m.
  Afternoon classes:  12:00- 3:30 p.m. daily

  Click here for Registration Info


 Gleneagle   Secondary


 Fast Track

 (High School Credit)

 Online & In-class)



 Click here for   details


 Registration opens Tues. May 6th at 6:00 a.m.

 Fast Track combines twice weekly face-to-face classes with online learning and online tutorial support:

 Courses with Tuesday/Thursday classes: 
  •  July 3 - Aug. 7
 Courses with Wednesday/Friday classes: 
  •  July 2 - Aug. 6
 Morning classes: 8:00-11:30 a.m.
 Afternoon classes: 12:00- 3:30 p.m.

 Click here for Registration Info 

 Gleneagle   Secondary


Locations and courses are subject to change.


Please check back here for updates and info about Summer Learning 2025,  


Tuition Free
All summer courses are tuition free to any student who has BC residency, which includes:

  • Students enrolled in SD43 schools who are not International students
  • Students not enrolled in SD43 schools (i.e., enrolled in independent schools) who provide sufficient documentation. 

Please note that some specialty courses as well as most full-credit Math and Science courses will charge a $35 materials or workbook fee upon registration. Click on the specific class name for details. 
For further info check our Fees page and Refunds page

Registration : 
See our Registration page
  for instructions.

Registration Tips:
1.  We do not keep waitlists for any summer courses.  If you do not get the course you want, keep checking back on our website. In some cases additional course sections will be added. Spaces will open up anytime between now and early July as students cancel their registrations. 

2.  Do not use your phone to register, use a desktop computer or laptop.  For best results when registering, Coquitlam Continuing Education encourages users to use Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge to browse this website.  For security reasons, use of Microsoft Internet Explorer is discouraged.

How to find the courses you want:
Under the Browse menu at the top left, select Summer Learning, then select the category that applies to you.  Or... Use the search field in the top right corner to search by course title or four-digit class ID number.

Materials Fees
Some courses require a $35 fee, payable upon registration, to cover consumables, supplies, or course workbooks.  Please click on the name of the class when browsing to see if a $35 fee applies.  If you have concerns about the affordability of this fee at this time. please email to request a waiver.

Does your child have an IEP? Do you have a child with a Special Education designation?
Please visit our page about Support for Students with Ministry designations.

Volunteer Opportunities:
We will be accepting applications for volunteers for our summer learning program starting April 2025.
High school students interested in volunteering for elementary or middle school programs can fill in this FORM.
Adults and teacher candidates interested in volunteering for our high school program can fill in this ADULT FORM.

If you have any questions, please contact the summer learning volunteer coordinator, Mr. Wally Sawchuck ( 

Afternoon Camps:
Most elementary and middle sites will host afternoon camps run by outside providers (e.g., Parks & Rec).  Check out the Summer Camps page for information as it becomes available.

International Funded Students:
International funded (i.e. work or study permit) students can enroll in any K-12 class. 

International Non-Funded (fee paying) Students:
Students in K-7 can enroll in the summer learning program for a fee of $900 per class (plus materials fee if applicable). You will be contacted for payment after registering.

Students in Grades 8-12 must register with the International Education Summer Program. Please visit their website for more information.

Out of District / Non-SD43 students:
Students who are not enrolled in SD43 schools are welcome to register in any of our courses.  When you've created your profile you will be contacted for BC residency documentation, which once approved enables you to register for free.

Need to cancel your registration?

To cancel your registration PRIOR to the course starting, please e-mail (be sure to include the student's full name and the course name and number in the e-mail).

In order to withdraw from a course AFTER the course has started, please visit the office at your Summer Learning school site.

Click here for details. 

SD43 Summer Learning partners with the following organizations:

Summer Learning is a proud fundraising sponsor of Tri-Cities 
Kidsport BC.  Kidsport provides financial assistance for registration fees and equipment to kids aged 18 and under.


SD43 Summer Learning:

We offer students currently in Kindergarten through Grade 12 the opportunity to build skills, explore new subject areas, or earn course credits. Summer Learning… Learning for All!