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English Language Learning - Literacy Foundations >> Social Studies (Literacy Foundations)
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Students will be introduced to Canadian history, culture, geography and government while focusing on the development of active citizenship. Emphasis will be placed on effective written, oral, and research skills. This course will help those studying for the Canadian citizenship exam. Bold Text Example

International Students must pay a fee for classes. Call 604.936.4261 to register. Do NOT use online registration.

Please click on the course title to see the full course description.


Class ID: 10083

Days of the Week : Weekly - Tue, Thu .

Weekly - Tue, Thu 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM (9/10/2024-11/7/2024)

Location: Montgomery Centre Location : 
  Montgomery Centre.

Start date: 09/10/24

End date: 11/07/24

Instructor : Jonathan Grossman 
