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BCJS Diploma and Certificate programs

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Start Date : 03/31/25

Tuition: $3,999.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

Description : ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT DIPLOMA PROGRAM (AA) This hands-on program teaches students the latest advances in office technology with a solid foundation in admi...  (More)

Start Date : 03/31/25

Tuition: $5,999.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

Description : ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT & COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING DIPLOMA PROGRAM (AA/CA) This double diploma program equips students with both the core Administrative Assi...  (More)

Start Date : 05/02/25

Tuition: $3,999.00

Materials Cost: $0.00

Description : COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING DIPLOMA PROGRAM (CA) This program is designed to provide students with a thorough working knowledge of fundamental accounting procedu...  (More)

Class ID: 9624

Days of the Week: Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Mon .  
  Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu .  

Weekly -Mon 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM (01/13/2025 - 01/13/2025); Weekly -Tue, Wed, Thu, Mon 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM (01/14/2025 - 03/03/2025)

Location: Multiple Location : 
  Montgomery Centre
  Terry Fox Senior Secondary.

Start date: 01/13/25

End date: 03/03/25

Instructor : Charles Hill 

Please read: English 10 or Foundations 6 strongly ...More


Class ID: 10035

Days of the Week: Weekly - Wed .

Weekly - Wed 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM (4/2/2025-4/30/2025)

Location: Montgomery Centre Location : 
  Montgomery Centre.

Start date: 04/02/25

End date: 04/30/25

Instructor : Toni De Fazio 

Class ID: 9625

Days of the Week: Multiple Days of the Week :
  Weekly - Mon .  
  Weekly - Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu .  

Weekly - Mon 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (4/7/2025-4/7/2025); Weekly - Tue, Wed, Thu, Mon 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (4/8/2025-5/28/2025)

Location: Multiple Location : 
  Montgomery Centre
  Terry Fox Senior Secondary.

Start date: 04/07/25

End date: 05/28/25

Instructor : Charles Hill 

Please read: English 10 or Foundations 6 strongly ...More