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Calculus 12 Self-Paced CLOC

Course number : 1600016   
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This course is designed for those who are planning to pursue post-secondary studies in sciences, mathematics, engineering, or business.  Students are expected to have a thorough understanding of the concepts introduced in Math Pre-Calculus 11 and 12.  The recommended minimum prerequisite mark is a ?B? in Math Pre-Calculus 12.

Please click here for a detailed class description.

Free to eligible BC Residents who are Under 19 or Adult Non-Grads - tuition cost will be eliminated in the shopping cart.
International Students:  Please call CLOC at 604.945.4211 to register.  Click here for business hours.

Students have one year to complete the course from registration. Students are expected to complete 5% in the first month.  Students can meet with their teacher for orientation and learning support by visiting CLOC. 

This self-paced course is offered at the Coquitlam Learning Opportunity Centre (CLOC), located near Coquitlam Centre.

There is a $100 course deposit - refunded after course completion.  Click here for more information.

Class Details

0 Session(s)


Angus Chan 

CEUs : 4

Start Date:upon registration



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam Learning Opportunity Centre (CLOC)  Map Angus Chan  Online

Textbooks and Fees Information

* denotes items required with registration.
Item Name SKU Price **
Calculus: A First Course (CLOC) * 0-07-549601-1 $100.00
** Price can vary based on attributes.